
Your practical test

Try not to worry too much about the practical test because if you can drive, you can drive. The driving test is fairly straightforward and has ultimately been designed to see if you can drive safely in different road and traffic conditions. If i've put you forward for the test then I'm confident in your driving ability and feel you are well prepared for it.

The test itself will last for around 40 minutes. You will be taken on a specific route, starting from the test centre. Examiners are looking for both serious and minor fauts. A single serious fault will result in a test failure, but minor faults can be accumulated to a maximum of 15 faults.

During the test the examiner will give you directions which you should follow. Here, he or she shall be taking you across a variety of different road conditions testing your general driving ability. At some point in the test though you will be asked to drive independently either following a Sat Nav or signs for approximately 20 minutes. This is designed to test your ability to both drive safely and read road signs/ markings. Throughout the exam you will also be assessed on your ability to reverse either in a carpark using a bay, on the road parallel to a parked car or on the right side of the road.

Try not to worry to much if you make a mistake during your test, as more often that not it will only be a minor fault which you are allowed to make fifteen of.

For more information on the practical test see GOV.UK.

A big thank you to Karen for teaching our son to drive properly and safely. Having just passed his test at the first attempt and seeing how he is on the roads, I really must congratulate Karen for teaching him to drive so well.
Sarah, 37 years old, Oldham

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